Seven Hills Tuition offer fun and rewarding piano lessons from our highly experienced tutor.
Our lessons are available for complete beginners through to advanced piano players. We offer an extremely personal service and help you with any enquiries every step of the way. We used to be entirely face to face but since moving online in 2020 we have discovered it works just as well over a computer. If you would still like face to face lessons, we currently operate in and around Sheffield.
Our piano tutor can even travel to your preferred location for home-based piano lessons, or join in with most of our students and go online!
Prices vary from £16 - £32 per hour, depending on experience and location.
Highly experienced online piano tutor
Suitable for piano beginners
Suitable for experienced piano players
We teach a range of piano music
We can travel to you (Sheffield)
Friendly and local!


Janine has played piano for 15 years and has an exceptional talent for music. She is a strong believer that you can never stop learning.
Janine plays in two bands currently which spans a range of music from David Bowie to progressive metal however her main love is and always has been classical music, particularly the late romantic era. She is also a film score geek and loves learning pieces from films, musicals and video games.
You will not find a more naturally gifted teacher anywhere else.
The Best Online Piano Lessons
Piano Lessons Near Me?
We know it may not always be convenient for you to travel around, especially if you live a busy lifestyle.
That's why we can offer you piano lessons in Sheffield or Piano lessons online from the comfort of your own home (as long as your neighbours don't mind!)
Our piano lesson home visits cover Sheffield and the surrounding areas - usually at no extra cost to yourself, or alternatively, we can do this via video call (isn't technology great!).
Private Piano Lessons - The best piano teachers!
Our piano classes in Sheffield are all conducted by top-class musicians who all possess an ABRSM Grade 8 Piano (the highest it goes!).
Our piano instructors are able to teach anyone, from kids to adults, beginners to advanced, jazz to classical! We cover it all. We can even help with songwriting and composition if needs be.
If you don't want to learn anything specific and just want to play a few songs then we can certainly accommodate that too.
We can teach a range of styles, written music or even just a few chords - it all depends on how you want to learn!
What are the benefits of taking a piano class with Seven Hills Tuition?
We cater to all skill levels and always make sure our students feel rewarded with their practice. This applies to anyone, even those learning piano as an adult (which is very common!).
Our piano classes are tailor-made for each student and follow strict lesson plans to make sure you are getting the most out of your piano tuition.
At Seven Hills Tuition, we pride our work on your satisfaction. Not only do you get a piano learning plan tailored to your every musical need, but we will also help and support you with basic instrument repairs and purchasing new instruments. We will even email you helpful guides - all free of charge!
We certainly like to think we go the extra mile with our students and we are always on hand to help outside of the lesson. Piano lessons for adults or piano training for children - we can cater to all!
Simply drop us an email or text and we be happy to help!
Our comprehensive piano lessons include:
Learning the basics of music
Music theory: beginner to advanced
Styles and techniques
Practical application of music
Performance tips & advice
Full knowledge of the piano
What types of piano lessons do you do?
Classical Piano Lessons
The traditional approach to playing piano.
Explore some of the most famous music written, by some of the world’s greatest composers.The focus here is on developing correct technique and a high level of musicality, creating a true virtuoso!
Classical piano lessons can really explore the limits of your ability and push you to boundaries you never thought you could hit.
Classical piano is very traditional and does follow a set of guidelines - they are always good to follow to create perfect technique, although don't worry if you have never played it before. It's just like any other genre!
Let us know what style of classical piano you would like to learn and we will try and accomodate for you.
Jazz Piano Lessons
A piano is an important tool of jazz musicians.
Mastering various chord voicings and learning the art of improvisation are valuable skills to behold. The creative and expressive development of Jazz is very rewarding.
Jazz piano is by no means easy, but incredibly rewarding and satisfying to play. Some people say jazz piano is one of the hardest disciplines. This is due to having a large focus on improvisation. Learning to improvise over a set of chords is key.
Therefore, understanding key signatures, chords and arpeggios is key! These are often the most common tools used for jazz piano.
Pop Music Piano Lessons
Everything from pop/rock to film scores. Gain the knowledge and learn to play either solo or in a band.
Develop an understanding of chord progressions and popular melodies then enjoy playing some of the most recognisable hit tunes!
Pop piano lessons often incorporate chord changes as well as typical rhythms. You will be surprised once you learn a few chord progressions how many pop songs use these.
For example, one of the most common progressions in the wold is the I, V, IVm, IV (G, D, Em, C in G major). If you can play this progression, you can already play hundreds of songs! No need to learn them all individually!
What will I learn during my piano lessons?
Learn to play the piano
The piano is such a versatile instrument that everyone wants to write for it.
It’s always been a centrepiece in both the classical and popular music world. No matter which instrument you play, it is always helpful to have some basic keyboard stills under your belt.
Learning the piano is highly fulfilling and a fantastic way to relax. Like many skills, it takes a long time to master an instrument but when the basics are in place, progress can be easy.
Take a look below of what we’ll cover at the beginning:
Basic First Year Curriculum
This will be your basic curriculum for the first year of learning piano.
Initial meeting and emergency contact information.
Producing a good hand, wrist, arm and piano stool position.
How the piano works. The difference in pitch, higher and lower.
Understanding the pattern of notes with black notes in groups. How they can be used to find our way around the keyboard. Locating Middle C. Finding sets of notes.
Understanding the pattern of notes A to G and where they appear on the keyboard. Learning that they have a place on the stave (treble and bass).
Using and understanding finger numbers.
Maintaining a pulse.
Understanding rhythm: crotchet, minim and semi-breve and their rests – explore quavers aurally.
Pitch: singing back a simple melody and singing the tonic, understanding high and low and their position on the keyboard.
Reading notation independently around middle C (A to E), and up to F or G with support.
Improvising a simple two-note melody using a minor 3rd and copying a rhythm.
Using simple dynamics, staccato and legato.
Our helpful tips to get you started!
Buy an acoustic or full-sized (88-key) electronic piano. (You’ll need something for piano practice!)
Practice reading music as often as possible.
Learn the basics of music theory.
Piano Lesson Prices
How much do piano lessons cost?
Nervous about committing to a piano course? We agree with you! You need to experience your piano tutors skills first-hand to see if their music lessons will be a good fit for you.
This is why we are able to offer our students single piano class prices.
Prices range from £16 - £32 dependent on the length of lesson and ability.
Quote: "Piano Lessons online 2020" for a discount!
Email: info@sevenhillstuition.co.uk for a quote.
Mobile: Aaron Hook - 07541947686.
Alternatively, you can use our nifty contact form by clicking the button below!